Beyond Constructing Projects to Constructing New Families

Feb 23, 2011 12:45:24 PM | Brigader Buzz

Beyond Constructing Projects to Constructing New Families

“Beyond Constructing Projects…to Constructing New Families” By Parul Kashyap (Public Health Brigades Program Coordinator in Honduras) On a recent visit to Zurzular, where Public Health Brigades is currently facilitating its infrastructure projects and health education charlas, I went to visit Doña Prady and Don Juan Velasquez’s home to do a follow-up interview to check-up on […]

Beyond Constructing Projects…to Constructing New Families”

By Parul Kashyap (Public Health Brigades Program Coordinator in Honduras)

On a recent visit to Zurzular, where Public Health Brigades is currently facilitating its infrastructure projects and health education charlas, I went to visit Doña Prady and Don Juan Velasquez’s home to do a follow-up interview to check-up on project maintenance. In the middle of our talk, Doña Prady exclaims that she has a letter for the students that worked in her house and ran into her kitchen to retrieve the letter. She asked that I share the letter with the students from DePaul University and MPH graduate students from the University of Southern California who helped their family in constructing a pila, a latrine, 3 concrete floors, and a stove in December 2010. Here is what the letter said (translated from Spanish to English):

“From: Juan and Prady and all the children.

Our regards to you with affection. We hope the best of the world for you and that this year is full of rich and abundant blessings. May our celestial Father give you many years of life after this cordial greeting. I move forward taking pencil and paper in one of my hands to thank you for the good work that you did for us and also to say that we miss you a lot and that we will never forget you guys. I hope that one day you will come back to visit us because you are a missing part of our lives.

With this we say goodbye to you with many kisses and hugs. See you soon!


The family of Juan, Prady and their daughters and sons”

After reading this letter, I grew quite excited to share this with the students. I could tell that the students had not just left a physical impact in their homes, but an emotional one.

Coincidentally (or not?) when I came back to the office in Tegucigalpa, I found out that a student, Miki Yoshimura-Rank from DePaul University, had written a similar letter to the Velasquez family! Here is what she wrote (translated from Spanish to English):

“Don Juan, Doña Prady and Family,

Hello from the United States! I hope that all is well with you all. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope the New Year is filled with peace, love and happiness.

What are the traditions of your family for Christmas and the New Year? I hope that the stove and the other projects are useful especially during the days of celebration.

I just wanted to thank you again for welcoming Global Brigades to your home and the community so warmly. You have great and generous hearts. It was an honor working with you each one of you. I cannot wait to see you all again!

I hope I return to Zurzular in June and I would love to visit all of you. I loved learning how to make tortillas and talking with you all. I’m practicing my Spanish in the hope that we can communicate better!

Thank you for all your kindness and I ask you all keep in touch with me!

Wishing the best,

Miki Yoshimura-Rank”

I really don’t know if it was coincidence or not that I received both of these letters in the same week but I truly realized at that moment that our motto “students empowering communities” is not just a one-way road. These families and community members are empowering these students as well. Whether it be writing a letter to each other or changing their minds about what and how they are studying or living their lives, this experience is creating an unforgettable impact on both sides.

If you recently participated in a Public Health Brigade and would like to keep in touch with the family you benefitted, please contact Moises Vallecillo at

Written By: Global Brigades