Brigader Feedback: Medical Brigades to Honduras

Sep 26, 2013 7:41:00 PM | Brigader Buzz

Brigader Feedback: Medical Brigades to Honduras

We received this wonderful letter from Danielle Harrison, a Medical Brigades volunteer to Honduras from the University of Oklahoma. Read her firsthand perspective about working in-country and with our amazing staff members. This was my fourth trip with Global Brigades and it was by far the best. Our GB staff was absolutely amazing! They were […]


We received this wonderful letter from Danielle Harrison, a Medical Brigades volunteer to Honduras from the University of Oklahoma. Read her firsthand perspective about working in-country and with our amazing staff members.

This was my fourth trip with Global Brigades and it was by far the best.

Our GB staff was absolutely amazing! They were so helpful with absolutely anything and everything we needed.  The Navy was also very helpful and welcoming.

Our coordinator was amazing! Moises was extremely helpful and very relatable. He has been around Global Brigades for a while and I loved talking to him about the organization and his experiences.  After talking to him about Public Health, Water, etc., many of our brigaders are passionate about starting new chapters at OU.

We got to do something that I have never done on a medical brigade in Honduras before.  One of the days Moises took us in small DSC00318groups to do a community visit.  We got to go into one of the houses and talk to the people who lived there.  We got to see how they live and ask them questions about their lives.  This really put into perspective why we kept seeing all the diagnoses over and over again that we were seeing at the clinic.  It also showed us how important the other disciplines of Global Brigades are in helping the communities and its members.

I honestly cannot imagine my life without Global Brigades and this trip made me realize that even more. We also had a lot of extremely passionate people with us.  One of the girls that went with us goes to a different school in Oklahoma and now she wants to start a Medical Chapter at her school.  We also have two girls who are very passionate about starting a Public Health Chapter at OU. One of the guys also wants to do a Water Brigade in Honduras.  I am so excited that so many pre-med people are interested in the other disciplines Global Brigades offers.  The holistic view is extremely important and I am so glad that they are seeing this.

Written By: Global Brigades