Children’s Day in Los Parajillos

Oct 13, 2009 5:52:33 AM |

Children’s Day in Los Parajillos

I have spent almost a full year now, working in Los Pajarillos, and as an organization we have developed a very strong relationship with the community. We walked into the school that morning and written in big letters across the chalkboard was “Bienvendios Norte Americans”

So the other day was Children’s Day in Honduras.  At school s across the country there were celebrations and parties (When I was a kid, I remember asking my mom why there was Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and no day for kids, and she said that’s because every day is kid’s day!)  The community, Los Pajarillos, where we have been working this entire year with Public Health Brigades invited us to attend.  So thanks to the University of Michigan PHB, we were able to provide lunch for all the children and families who attended.  It was a very special day.

I have spent almost a full year now, working in Los Pajarillos, and as an organization we have developed a very strong relationship with the community.  We walked into the school that morning and written in big letters across the chalkboard was “Bienvendios Norte Americans” (which is the polite way to say “gringos”!)

Then in the opening speech given by one of the older girls of the school, they again made a special point to welcome and thank us for our work in the community. It was an incredible moment, having the majority of the families we have worked with all together at one time, and really be able to feel the strong connections that have been made. The students who have been part of Public Health have played a crucial role in making this possible. They have gone above and beyond to build strong ties with the children and families.  And it is in moments like this one, that the fruit of all that hard work can be felt so strongly.

Written By: Joy