10 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

Apr 22, 2022 10:00:00 AM | Earth Day

10 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

Each year on April 22nd, Earth Day is celebrated globally to recognize sustainable environmental protection. Check out these 10 ways to honor our planet!

1. Spend some time outside.

Whether you live in a sunny or cold climate, a bustling city or a small town - getting outside is a great way to breathe in some fresh air and appreciate our Earth. Take some time today to notice nature around you.

2. Go on a 'litter walk'.

Did you know there are an estimated 6,729 pieces of litter per roadway mile in the U.S.? Grab a friend or your headphones and make an effort to pick up trash you notice on your walk. Make sure to wash your hands after!

3. Shorten your showers.

Long, hot showers might be hard to beat, but being conscious of your shower time repeatedly can really make a big difference for the planet - and your water bill. 

4. Reusable water bottles are the way to go.

Switch out disposable plastic water bottles for a refillable bottle. Not only will you decrease your plastic consumption, you also might increase your H2O intake.

5. Shop second-hand.

When you can, shop second-hand. Check out these 5 perks to buying used items!

6. Turn off the lights.

Don't forget to flip the light switch when you don't need the lights on. Little actions truly add up to big change!

7. Calculate your carbon footprint.

Your carbon footprint represents the amount of greenhouse gases that are a result of your actions. Determining your footprint can give you a better idea of your impact on the environment, as well as where and how you can work to improve.

Calculate your carbon footprint here.

8. Ditch the plastic bags.

Say goodbye to plastic shopping bags, and hello to reusable bags! Reusable bags are not only kinder to the Earth, but also serve as sturdier and larger modes of transportation for your goods.

9. Bike, walk, carpool, or take public transportation.

When you can, limit your solo time in the car. Biking, walking, sharing a car ride with friends, family, or co-workers, and riding public transportation are great alternatives to getting you where you need to go. 

10. Sell or donate used items.

Spring is here, and so is spring cleaning. Selling or donating your used items is an environmentally friendly way to clear your space and support the planet. Type "donation bins near me" into your search bar to find resources near you.


We're all in this together, and the small steps we each take can lead to big change. This Earth Day, we encourage you to find at least one action you can take to further the change. 

Interested in learning more about Earth Day? Visit earthday.org to get started!

Written By: Ashley Farhat, Marketing Associate