El Canton Water Project Update

Feb 8, 2012 1:11:00 PM | From the Field

El Canton Water Project Update

With groups from Stony Brook University, University of Virginia, University of Southern California, Rochester, Saint Louis University, Columbia University, Boston University, and Johns Hopkins University, Water Brigades students, staff, and community members were able to complete the following in El Cantón’s water project in just three short weeks: Dug approximately 2676 meters of trench and […]

With groups from Stony Brook University, University of Virginia, University of Southern California, Rochester, Saint Louis University, Columbia University, Boston University, and Johns Hopkins University, Water Brigades students, staff, and community members were able to complete the following in El Cantón’s water project in just three short weeks:

Dug approximately 2676 meters of trench and installed 2676 meters of pipe in the distribution network (That’s over 2 ½ kilometers!!!). Pipe diameters can be broken down to the following:

  • 1300 meters of 2-inch pipe
  • 284 meters of 1 ½ -inch pipe
  • 982 meters of 1-inch pipe
  • 110 meters of ½- inch pipe

(A family in El Canton that has benefited from the water system)

· Planned and presented educational charlas to the schools of La Ceibita and El Cantón on the topics of Water and the Environment and Watershed Protection in collaboration with the Basic Sanitation Committee.

· Hosted the first ever Health and Hygiene Fair in El Cantón (Check out the blog article here.)

Additional El Cantón Water Updates:

  • In September 2011, the Water Brigades Team fully trained the Water Councils of El Cantón, El Jute, and Vera Cruz Matazano.
  • Water Brigades Staff also trained the members of the Basic Sanitation Committee of El Cantón during

September 2011.

  • Throughout September, October, November, and December of 2011, Water Brigades and Public Health Brigades staffs worked with the Basic Sanitation Committee of El Cantón to fully execute two community-wide clean-ups and develop the ESCASAL program (Escuela y Casa Saludable, or Healthy School and Home) in every household.
  • In December 2011, Oakland Medical Brigade dedicated one day of their brigade week to work on the system in El Cantón, during which day medical brigaders dug trench and connected 13 homes to the new distribution network!

Upcoming Water Brigades in February will finish installing the distribution networks and connecting the homes of El Cantón and La Ceibita to the water system! Look forward to updates about the completion of the El Cantón water system!!

Below are a few more updates about the work that other Global Brigades programs have been doing in El Cantón.

Holistic Programming in El Cantón:

In December 2011:

  • Medical Brigades executed a full scale Medical and Dental Brigade in El Cantón with DePaul University, providing access to healthcare and dental work to the community and the surrounding areas. The members of the Basic Sanitation Committee worked every day of the brigade to keep the operation running smoothly, continuously demonstrating their leadership within the community.
  • Public Health Brigades began working in El Cantón to work with households on constructing cement floors, latrines, pilas, eco-stoves, and an enclosed bathing area.
  • Microfinance Brigades Staff began working in El Cantón to further train and support the existing Community Bank and prepare them to help households finance the Public Health projects.

In March 2012:

  • Architecture Brigades will break ground on a new Health Center in El Cantón!
  • Public Health Brigades will continue working in El Cantón for the following brigade seasons until all houses have constructed their Public Health projects.
  • Microfinance Brigades will continue working with the El Cantón Community Bank.

Thank you again for all of your hard work and dedication! The impact each of you has made in this project thus far is truly amazing. Keep your energy up and your passion alive and continue working towards your next Water Brigade. Imagine the impact your next trip will make!

Written By: Global Brigades