Kambia Nursing Journey

Apr 19, 2023 3:46:03 PM | Kambia

Kambia Nursing Journey

Join us to experience the Kambia International Nursing Program!


Providing Essential Healthcare in Rural Honduras

Last month, the Kambia International Nursing team, along with NYVT Nurses Unite volunteers, operated 3 days of medical clinics in the community of “3 de Febrero” in rural southern Honduras. Nurses and doctors provided nearly 200 community members with essential medical services, including specialty services in the areas of dentistry, optometry and cytology.


Educational workshop with the community members

Public Health Workshops in the local community

In addition to the medical services, the nursing team also held a “Public Health Day” during which they supported local Community Health Workers to deliver public health workshops to local children and adults. All data from the clinics is stored in the Kambia online data management system so that proper referrals and follow up can be implemented.


Remote under-served populations that Kambia programs serve.

The Community of “3 de Febrero” 

The community of “3 de Febrero” is located in the municipality of Marcovia, in the department of Choluteca in the southern part of Honduras. There are 175 homes and a population of 750 people. This community is representative of the more remote under-served populations that Kambia Nursing programs serve in Honduras, Panama and Ghana. Without regular medical clinics like these, most community members would not be able to access healthcare.


Faculty members in the Kambia Program

Bring your Nursing Classes Abroad

We are currently seeking more nursing faculty to mobilize their students to travel abroad to support equitable access to medical and public health services. Each program is one week, and includes clinic days, language and cultural immersion and visits to local tourist sites. Any nursing student interested in supporting access to medicine while gaining practical experience abroad would make a great fit for this program.

To learn more about Kambia’s International Nursing Programs, or to plan a trip for your students in 2023 or 2024, please schedule a call with our team and we can answer any questions that you may have.

These programs are also available virtually, and you can see our Program Catalog, here.



Marco Cálix

Written By: Marco Cálix