Meet GB’s Research & Evaluation Team

Oct 29, 2010 2:30:21 PM | Brigader Buzz Meet GB’s Research & Evaluation Team

Did you know that over the course of the past 10 months, Global Brigades has revolutionized our approach to sustainable development? Watch this video for information on the work conducted by our Research and Evaluation team to implement best practices in the fields of international health and sustainable development, and read the resources below for […]

Did you know that over the course of the past 10 months, Global Brigades has revolutionized our approach to sustainable development? Watch this video for information on the work conducted by our Research and Evaluation team to implement best practices in the fields of international health and sustainable development, and read the resources below for additional information.

-Check out this GB newsletter article for more information about the community-based research the R&E team has conducted to allow GB to strategically prioritize and select the communities in which we will be working based on a consistent set of health and socioeconomic-based criteria. Research and Evaluation Newsletter Article

-Also, check out the Global Brigades Wiki page for in-depth information about each of the communities we are working with, including info on health, socioeconomics, education, and infrastructure. Community Profiles – Global Brigades Wiki

If you have questions about Global Brigades’ Research and Evaluation procedures, please contact:

Johanna Chapin, R&E Director at

or Samantha Fuchs, R&E Intern at

Written By: Global Brigades