Meet Paulo, a community member from Tomatoya, Nicaragua!

Aug 30, 2013 2:13:31 PM | From the Field

Meet Paulo, a community member from Tomatoya, Nicaragua!

Meet Paulo! Paulo, 56, works in agriculture in the rural community of Tomatoya. He is the father of 3 children and despite his busy schedule he has found the time to serve as a community volunteer with GB working the clinic days of Medical Brigades. Paulo is well respected in the community for his leadership […]

IMG_3925Meet Paulo! Paulo, 56, works in agriculture in the rural community of Tomatoya. He is the father of 3 children and despite his busy schedule he has found the time to serve as a community volunteer with GB working the clinic days of Medical Brigades. Paulo is well respected in the community for his leadership skills and is always eager to volunteer his time to improve his community. Read below for a short interview with Paulo as he tells us a little bit more about the important work GB is doing in his community.

Describe what you do in the community and tell me about your family.

I am the current president of the community staff members who help run the three clinic days of the medical brigade. I really enjoy my leadership role and supporting Global Brigades; all of the community staff members do. I am also a member of the water committee for the community. I have three children ages 9, 13 and 16 that are all currently enrolled in primary and secondary school. My children, wife and I all live in one house in this community.

How had GB helped you and your family?

Without the medical brigades, my family and I would not be able to receive these healthcare services. Like many others in the community, we do not have the economic resources to see a doctor. It has been especially helpful with not only our children, but also all of the children in the community of Tomatoya. Look at all of the children running around here, they are healthy. We love supporting Global Brigades in this community.

Describe the projects GB is working on in your community. Why are they important? 

Global Brigades is currently running mobile medical clinics in the community of Tomatoya which has created a sense of community, provided numerous individuals with exceptional healthcare services and in general, has made the community members more relaxed and happy. The medical program has really done a lot for this community, we are very grateful for GB.

Written By: Global Brigades