On the Move, Global Brigades

Mar 14, 2012 3:58:19 PM |

On the Move, Global Brigades

The following blog post was written by Allen Gula, Co-Founder of Global Brigades Ghana. This blog originally appeared on Allen’s personal blog which can be found here: http://allengula.org/blog/ ——– Community mobilization, participation, and ultimately sustainability, in holistic development projects rely heavily on our ability to communicate, collaborate and mutually inspire one another to achieve project […]

The following blog post was written by Allen Gula, Co-Founder of Global Brigades Ghana. This blog originally appeared on Allen’s personal blog which can be found here: http://allengula.org/blog/


Community mobilization, participation, and ultimately sustainability, in holistic development projects rely heavily on our ability to communicate, collaborate and mutually inspire one another to achieve project results beyond the capacity of any individual. That is the essence of the movement, Global Brigades, throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Ireland, Germany and the UK- students group together on university campuses; dedicate their efforts around one of nine global health and holistic development programs and unify their work in Honduras, Panama and Ghana.


The general consensus of our planet, of our generation and of humans around the world is to be more conscious, aware and proactive in our global community. This notion has manifested over 380 university clubs under the umbrella organization ‘Global Brigades’ to collaborate with rural, under resourced communities in Latin America and Africa.

At some level, each participant recognizes and supports the philosophy that together, unified under the efforts of ‘Global Brigades’ we’re able to band together resources (human and financial) with ideas and support more initiatives, programs, project follow up, research and evaluation and community support- than any one person or group could on any program length. So, keep it going…


Written By: Global Brigades