Panama’s First Public Health Brigade in the Community of Embera-Puru

Jan 21, 2013 12:53:01 PM | GB News

Panama’s First Public Health Brigade in the Community of Embera-Puru

15 volunteers from Boston University participated in Global Brigades Panama’s first Public Health Brigade in the community of Embera-Puru! The brigaders worked hard for five days to construct three latrines for three different families. These latrines will greatly reduce the contamination in the community’s land and water as it will allow individuals to dispose of […]

15 volunteers from Boston University participated in Global Brigades Panama’s first Public Health Brigade in the community of Embera-Puru! The brigaders worked hard for five days to construct three latrines for three different families. These latrines will greatly reduce the contamination in the community’s land and water as it will allow individuals to dispose of their waste appropriately. The latrine along with proper hand washing techniques the students demonstrated to the community will considerably help control the spread of many diseases. This was the first of many more successful brigades to come from Panama’s Public Health program!


Written By: Global Brigades