Take Action: Sign the Service World Petition Today

Feb 23, 2011 2:46:05 PM | Brigader Buzz

Take Action: Sign the Service World Petition Today

Please sign the petition to increase funding for international volunteering (The deadline for gathering signatures to win a GB scholarship has been extended to the end of March!) Wouldn’t it be incredible if the government gave money to organizations like Global Brigades to provide scholarships for students to participate in the programming?  The day is […]

Please sign the petition to increase funding for international volunteering

(The deadline for gathering signatures to win a GB scholarship has been extended to the end of March!)

Wouldn’t it be incredible if the government gave money to organizations like Global Brigades to provide scholarships for students to participate in the programming?  The day is coming, but first we need to knock on the doors of the government by signing the petition. The initiative is called Service World and is being led by the National Peace Corps Association and organizations like Global Brigades.  At the moment, the petition hasn’t been widely distributed yet and Global Brigades has been asked to help lead the charge.


The petition revolves around a piece of legislation called the Sargent Shriver International Service Act. This act will direct funds to international service organizations to help subsidize the costs of sending volunteers abroad! For GB, this would definitely help reduce the cost barrier for our volunteers. Click here to read more about the act: http://ourserviceworld.org/about-us/sargent-shriver-international-service-act/

Ourserviceworld.org is the organization responsible for the petition.  Global Brigades and the Building Bridges Coalition is working to rally up tons of support for the legislation and petition.

GB is going to ask all presidents to reach out to their network to create awareness about the legislation and to incentivize this we are creating a competition. Global Brigades will be giving one full-program scholarship to the top 10 clubs with the most signatures, and a scholarship to the top five individuals. For your signatures to qualify for the scholarship competition, you need to sign the petition here: http://empowered.org/petition/gb

Help us spread the word about this important piece of legislation. Ask your friends to sign the petition, post something on your Facebook wall, and talk to everyone you know about the work we are doing to spread the message about the Service World Petition.

Written By: Global Brigades