2011 Microfinance USA Conference

Mar 3, 2011 7:34:36 AM | Brigader Buzz

2011 Microfinance USA Conference

Announcing the 2011 Microfinance USA Conference! Interested in international aid and development, microfinance, or business development in under-resourced communities? Then check out this amazing event taking place May 23-24th. Check out the details below: When the ACCION USA Microfinance Council joins ACCION staff, Opportunity Fund and Kiva together to bring you the 2011 Microfinance USA Conference, […]

Announcing the 2011 Microfinance USA Conference! Interested in international aid and development, microfinance, or business development in under-resourced communities? Then check out this amazing event taking place May 23-24th. Check out the details below:

When the ACCION USA Microfinance Council joins ACCION staff, Opportunity Fund and Kiva together to bring you the 2011 Microfinance USA Conference, you get the chance to connect with 800 people for two days in New York City where you can pick from over 40 breakout sessions with more than 200 speakers.

Join the conversation with expert practitioners and other professionals interested in microfinance. The conference schedule and location makes it easy for busy professionals to attend–come for the plenary, check in at work, and stop back for afternoon panels. Pick your sessions and register today!


Agenda Highlights:

  • May 23 Plenary Savings: The Future of Microfinance
  • May 24 Plenary Balancing Act: Mission, Profit & Impact in Microfinance
  • Consumer Protection, Transparency & Regulation with Beth Rhyne, SMART Campaign and Michael Campbell, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
  • What’s the Return on Investment in U.S. Microfinance? with Elaine Edgcomb, FIELD, Aspen Institute
  • Entrepreneurs Supporting Micro-Entrepreneurs with Jim Koch, Samuel Adams
  • Designing Products that Promote Financial Capability with Roby Levy, Center for Financial Services Innovation
  • Microfinance Student Loans: Giving Youth a Little Credit with Giovanna Masci, Kiva; Noga Leviner, Lumni; Ashni Mohnot, Enzi
  • The Promise & Peril of Microfinance Impact Evaluations with Jonathan Morduch, Financial Access Initiative (NYU); Abhijit Banerjee, J-PAL (MIT); Chris Dunford, Freedom from Hunger

Start planning now! View full agenda >>

Written By: Global Brigades