3 Tips for Your Med School Application

Jul 25, 2022 8:00:00 AM | Pre-Med

3 Tips for Your Med School Application

So, you're applying to medical school and you're feeling a bit overwhelmed. There's a lot to organize and deadlines to meet. The good news? We're here to help!

Download the Resource: 10 Tips For Your Medical School Application

It's no secret that prepping for and applying to medical school can be stressful. You've got this! Take a deep breath and scroll through our top 3 tips for applying to medical school. 

1. Research, research, research.

You've worked hard to get to this point! It's important that you thoroughly research the programs you're applying to and figure out not only if their values and mission align with yours, but whether or not you also meet their application requirements. Everyone is different, and so is every school! An added benefit of this is that researching programs will also help you when it comes time to interview. 

2. Plan ahead and take your time.

Procrastinating can be tempting, but staying organized and splitting up your tasks to stay on top of deadlines will smoothly guide you throughout the process. Staying organized will also allow you time to take breaks when needed. Check out our top tips for staying organized when applying to medical school!

3. Confidence is key!

Don't forget - you've made it this far! You've completed difficult classes, clocked in volunteer and shadow hours, and you're almost at the place you've worked so hard to reach. If you're feeling overwhelmed, it's okay to take a step back to reflect on all of your accomplishments, have a snack, or get some fresh air, and return when you're feeling motivated again. 

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Written By: Ashley Farhat, Marketing Associate