A huge step for GWB!

Jul 14, 2009 7:21:07 AM | From the Field

A huge step for GWB!

After just sixteen months of existence, Global Water Brigades is one of our most successful brigades programs.  We have over thirty active clubs at universities nationwide and are growing rapidly.  With the incredible amount of support and passion from all of our students across the country, GWB wants to ensure that all of that passion […]

After just sixteen months of existence, Global Water Brigades is one of our most successful brigades programs.  We have over thirty active clubs at universities nationwide and are growing rapidly.  With the incredible amount of support and passion from all of our students across the country, GWB wants to ensure that all of that passion is put directly into creating sustainable development solutions to the water problems in our GB communities.

Just this week GWB has been able to take a huge step towards improving the sustainability of our projects.  We have done this by introducing 10 years of experience working on rural water systems in Honduras in the form of GB’s newest Honduran employee, Joel Cruz.  Joel has spent the last decade of his life working as a technician for SANAA, the Honduran government’s water and sanitation department, dedicating his time to creating fully functioning water systems in rural communities in central Honduras.

Joel brings with him not only years of technical experience, but also the ability to train, educate, organize, and unite communities around their most vital resource, water.  With the work of Joel alongside our student volunteers, GWB will be able to leave a community knowing that they have fully operating water infrastructure, a completely trained and functioning water council, and a community educated about the value of water to their health and livelihood.

This is truly a very exciting time to be part of the GWB team!

Written By: Ben