Brigaders Donate Wheelchair to 12 Year Old Boy

Oct 25, 2010 1:24:56 PM | Brigader Buzz Brigaders Donate Wheelchair to 12 Year Old Boy

Last week, Medical Brigades staff went to the community of El Junco where Emerson Orion Velasquez, a 12 year old boy, lives.  Emerson was born on January 20, 1998 and he was delivered by a midwife.  Emerson seemed apparently normal at birth, but when he was 45 days old he suffered a brain hemorrhage that […]

Last week, Medical Brigades staff went to the community of El Junco where Emerson Orion Velasquez, a 12 year old boy, lives.  Emerson was born on January 20, 1998 and he was delivered by a midwife.  Emerson seemed apparently normal at birth, but when he was 45 days old he suffered a brain hemorrhage that led to seizures and hidrocephalus. Doctors at the Maternal and Child Hospital of Tegucigalpa managed Emerson’s care and performed  imaging studies and also began treatment with Phenobarbital and Phenytoin, anticonvulsant drugs that he has had to take for six years. Despite these efforts, the the neurological damage caused by the seizures and the hemorrage were irreversible.
Emmerson was in therapy for a long time in TELETON in an effort to develop some physical and motor skills, but everything was in vain. Emerson was a 12 year old boy sentenced to live lying in a bed unable to get even to the backyard of his house. This story was known to a group of students from De Paul University who traveled to the community of El Junco with a Microfinance Brigade and who were touched by this child and organized themselves to raise funds to donate a wheelchair so that Emmerson could gain some mobility in his life.

Thanks to everyone for making this donation possible, but especially to the Microfinance and Public Health brigades, who have always been aware of this family and who always maintained communication with them.   Today Emerson can move all around his home and community thanks to your generous efforts and dedication!

-Dra. Jenny Najera
Medical Director Global Brigades

Written By: Global Brigades