Columbia University Celebrates Global Brigades Day

Mar 1, 2011 12:41:29 PM | Brigader Buzz

Columbia University Celebrates Global Brigades Day

This year, Brigaders at Columbia University brought back the globe costume to much enthusiasm in celebration of Global Brigades Day! An update from Anne Kramer revealed that the costume is now made out of chicken wire and cloth and not paper mache. Whatever the materials, we thought it was a genius and original creation sure […]

This year, Brigaders at Columbia University brought back the globe costume to much enthusiasm in celebration of Global Brigades Day! An update from Anne Kramer revealed that the costume is now made out of chicken wire and cloth and not paper mache. Whatever the materials, we thought it was a genius and original creation sure to capture attention on campus!

In addition to the visual presence of the globe costume, the Columbia crew held up colorful signs filled with meaningful stats about the living conditions of people in developing countries, especially in Honduras and Panama. The idea was to draw people in with music, the GLOBE, and free grilled cheese sandwiches so that students could learn more about Global Brigades.

The event was a huge success in getting the word out about Global Brigades on the Columbia University campus. Anne says: “I got asked multiple times that night if I had seen the globe running around Low Plaza!” It is definitely clear that you don’t need to spend a lot of money or get really fancy to have a successful Global Brigades Day on your campus! Sometimes using humor and originality to draw people in works best, followed up with lots of solid information and stats on the need in under-resourced communities. Also, you can never go wrong with giving out free grilled cheese sandwiches.

We want to hear more about what YOU did on your campus to celebrate Global Brigades Day! Share you stories by contacting Christina Hirsch at

Written By: Global Brigades