New Global Brigades “Theme Song”?

Aug 1, 2011 2:52:40 PM | From the Field

New Global Brigades “Theme Song”?

If we asked you to come up with lyrics set to your favorite music to describe Global Brigades, what could you come up with? In March, Dr. Bruce Nayowith from Penn State University participated on a Medical Brigade to Honduras, where he gave an impromptu performance and sang about Global Brigades set to the classic […]

If we asked you to come up with lyrics set to your favorite music to describe Global Brigades, what could you come up with? In March, Dr. Bruce Nayowith from Penn State University participated on a Medical Brigade to Honduras, where he gave an impromptu performance and sang about Global Brigades set to the classic YMCA song.

Dr. Nayowith sent us a copy of these clever and entertaining lyrics. Check them out below and see how you could adopt the YMCA song, or any other classic, to describe your experience with Global Brigades.

Global Brigades Song

To tune of YMCA

Students, there’s no  need to feel down

I say, students, pick yourself off the ground.

Oh yea, I say, there’s something you can do

Ad-ven-ture is wai-ting for you

If you’re bio, pre-med, into nursing

Or computers,  don’t just sit there cursing.

You can help out, while you learn on the way

And join The Glo-bal   Bri-gades

(1,2,3,4,5  those neat noises that they make 5 times before the chorus)


You can ride with the Global Brigades

Yes, you can ride with the Global Brigades

You can travel afar

You can relax in the sun

You can make friends with everyone

Students, I say don’t be afraid

Travel southward, bringing medical aid.

We are students, docs, dentists, other staff

Who together work hard and laugh

There are many, who have less than we do

And to help them, well, we form a tight crew.

Come and join us, and I’m sure you will find

Many ways to have a good time



It’s fun to ride with the Global Brigades

It’s fun to ride with the Global Brigades

You can play with the kids

You can get some great food

You can just enjoy the fine mood

Hey there, are you listening to me

I say, young folks, what do you want to be?

We have so much; here’s a chance to give back

And gain experience for-your-own-life-track

You can shadow, sometimes get to assist

Docs and dentists, and help sort meds from the lists.

It’s a great group; there’s a lot you will see

Join us and yes- yo –oo-o   can be



You can be one of the Global Brigades

Yes you can be the Global Brigades

Where we work in the day

Where we play in the eve

Where there’s much to give and receive


It’s fun to ride with the Global Brigades

It’s fun to ride with the Global Brigades

Where we do some good work

Where we have some great fun

Where we are friends with everyone….

Written By: Global Brigades