Under the leadership of Campus Chairpersons around the world, Global Brigades has been shaped as a grassroots organization, uniting and empowering students from all backgrounds to affect positive change in the world. We’ve now grown to have 100+ Campus Chairpersons, and you could be the next one to join this group of passionate leaders and take your Global Brigades involvement to a whole new level.

Before we start- what exactly is a Campus Chairperson?
As an organization, we are able to make an immense impact because of our dedicated leaders and volunteers. One special leadership opportunity is the role of Campus Chairperson. Generally speaking, a chairperson is the highest officer of an organized group (such as a board or a committee). Similarly, Global Brigades Campus Chairpersons assume the highest leadership position on campus by overseeing all Global Brigades Chapters, operations, and activities at their university and in their community.

Taking on the role of Campus Chairperson for your university is a tremendous opportunity for you to establish a legacy on your campus, and to help shape Global Brigades as a whole by fulfilling four major responsibilities: represent, unite, empower, grow!

Why should you become a Campus Chairperson?
Global Brigades appreciates each Campus Chairperson’s commitment to be an advocate for Global Brigades on their campus, and beyond. As Campus Chairperson, you will be able to take advantage of the following benefits:
DEVELOP your leadership skills and grow both personally and professionally.
BUILD your career with Global Brigades! Campus Chairpersons are ideal candidates for roles within the organization and on the boards of directors.
GAIN the inside scoop on important organizational updates and make your campus’ voice heard by participating in organizational votes.
TRAVEL on brigade by taking advantage of various scholarships and exclusive Global Brigades opportunities (e.g., participating in our first ever Greece Refugee Support pilots, or attending the National Student Leadership Conference!)
By this point I am sure you’re wondering how you can become a Campus Chairperson!
Present and discuss this exciting opportunity with your fellow GB leaders. If there is an existing Campus Chairperson on your campus, it is never to early to chat with them about how you can apply in the future!
Appoint a Campus Chairperson on your campus. The ideal candidate is someone who has Global Brigades experience, loves sharing their passion, and has a good relationship with all Chapters on campus.
Fill out the Campus Chairperson Application Form by May 21st, 2019! It is important that you are officially recognized by Global Brigades to ensure you receive the proper support, resources and mentorship to succeed in this role.
The Campus Chairperson role allows you to focus on preparing ethical volunteers, promoting global citizenship, and growing the GB movement. Regardless of what your next leadership position is, we all look forward to working with you and seeing the strong and positive contributions you will have with Global Brigades!

Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to Volunteer Engagement Manager, Nicole Jollimore (nicole.jollimore@globalbrigades.org) We can’t wait to have you join the team!