Dental Hygienist Student Amanda Balcer to Travel to Honduras

Dec 21, 2009 5:28:57 AM | From the Field

Dental Hygienist Student Amanda Balcer to Travel to Honduras

Grateful for all she has this Thanksgiving holiday, Amanda Balcer is thinking about those around the world who go without. “I’ve traveled to other counties and seen how fortunate we are in America,” Balcer explained. Balcer, a dental hygiene student at Monroe Community College, is headed to Honduras at the end of the year to […]

Grateful for all she has this Thanksgiving holiday, Amanda Balcer is thinking about those around the world who go without.

“I’ve traveled to other counties and seen how fortunate we are in America,” Balcer explained.

Balcer, a dental hygiene student at Monroe Community College, is headed to Honduras at the end of the year to help those in need of dental care. She said she wanted to do something to help make a difference in people’s lives.

Balcer teamed up with a student-run charity called Global Brigades. It provides medical and dental care and even runs clean water programs around the world.

Balcer has been collecting supplies to bring down to the clinic she will be working in. She needs, among other things, toothbrushes, toothpaste, gauze and fluoride treatments.

She’s taking money out of her savings and working more hours to raise the money to buy all she needs, and pay to take it all down there.

“I’ll be down there for three weeks, and I’m going to try to see as many patients as I can,” said Balcer. “My main concern is I don’t want to run out of supplies to limit how much I can see people.”

Written By: Kate