By People Operations Manager, Daniel Klingelhoets
There’s nothing warmer, especially this time of year, than great coffee and giving back. Global Brigades is excited to continue partnering with Stone Creek Coffee in Milwaukee, WI to help support students fundraising for their Brigade or TeleBrigade. But why coffee?
The Café Holístico initiative is a long-term vision of Global Brigades to bridge the gap of capital access for coffee farmers in communities where we work. While coffee from Global Brigades communities is not currently sold as part of Café Holistíco fundraisers, it’s through ongoing collaboration with partners like Stone Creek Coffee we will one day realize this vision. Through capacity building and investment in community partners, we can foster direct trade relationships between producers and roasters, maximizing economic impact for the coffee growing community.
But How?

New as of 2020, groups are now able to fundraise by selling Ghanaian Hot Chocolate as well.
The Perfect Pair
Just like Global Brigades, Stone Creek Coffee is committed to its community with many local initiatives and projects, as well as their coffee partners, focusing on a direct farm to cup model and strong relationships with producers. Relationships like this with coffee producers allow space for mutual investment in the relationship, reduce the opportunity for middlemen to take hard-earned profit from producers, and increase financial transparency. Empowerment, collaboration, and sustainability are the forefront of their approach to coffee sourcing, three values important to Global Brigades. This approach to coffee sourcing is the backbone of Café Holístico – leveraging our relationships and resources with community partners on the ground to increase capacity and access to buyers as we continue to collaborate with local partners and experts to improve the quality and production processes on the ground.
So let’s make your fall fundraising a success
- Start now! Download the Fundraising Guide and complete the online form to get connected to a coffee representative and get going. You can complete your sales as a Chapter to combine into one large group order, or individually! (Free shipping with orders of at least 15lbs)
- Now, virtual fundraising has never been easier. With the introduction of cash transfer applications, collecting money from your fundraising sales is accessible and easy- no more door-to-door knocking. For students on campus, collect orders virtually and bring coffee back to family and friends if you travel home for break.
- While we provided recommended sell prices, the price you sell coffee or hot chocolate is up to you
- Whether you are currently planning a Brigade (virtual or in-person) or are hopeful to join one in the future, it’s not too early to start thinking about this great opportunity to support the ongoing economic development work of Global Brigades.

Volunteers in the United States can get started today and view the fundraising FAQ by visiting
For Canadian Chapters, please visit our friends at Aroma Maya Coffee Roasters to get your sale started.
Happy sipping!