Honduras March Brigade Season Wrap-Up

Apr 27, 2011 11:11:14 AM | Brigader Buzz

Honduras March Brigade Season Wrap-Up

Congratulations Brigaders on an incredibly successful Brigade Season in Honduras. Check out the stats below for info on all that was accomplished during the Honduras March Brigade Season, and check back soon for a wrap-up of all that was accomplished in Panama! Public Health Brigades: During the March brigade season, Public Health Brigades had 149 […]

Congratulations Brigaders on an incredibly successful Brigade Season in Honduras. Check out the stats below for info on all that was accomplished during the Honduras March Brigade Season, and check back soon for a wrap-up of all that was accomplished in Panama!

Public Health Brigades:
During the March brigade season, Public Health Brigades had 149 volunteers benefit 20 families in the community of Zurzular by improving household infrastructure with improvements including latrines, eco-stoves, water storage pilas and concrete floors, as well as implementing successful education charlas on general health and study habits. Congratulations to Mt. Allison, UNC Chapel Hill, Wake Forest, Marquette, Indiana University, UC Irvine and UC San Diego! Additionally, a pilot group from AthletiCo worked during early April to benefit one more family with all four public health projects.

March Brigade Season Numbers:
Household Beneficiaries = 20
Number of Latrines = 17
Number of Pilas = 12
Number of Concrete Floors = 39
Number of Stoves = 17

Water Brigades:
During the March 2011 Water Brigades Season, 124 students from 11 universities worked with Global Water Brigades staff and El Canton community members to accomplish the following:

· Dug approximately 2,700 meters of trench
· Installed 2,200 meters of 3” pipe
· Constructed and connected the new distribution chamber with necessary control valves
· Repaired and connected a pressure-break tank with a new control valve
· Installed a new control valve at the dam, one new cleaning valve, and one new air valve
· Presented educational charlas to the schools of La Ceibita, El Cantón, and El Jute on the topics of Water and the Environment, Watershed Protection, Water Quality, and Hygiene and Sanitation

Medical Brigades:
Medical Brigades visited 23 communities, saw 15,122 patients, conducted 966 pap smears, and provided 85 referrals for patients that needed additional care.

Dental Brigades:
Dental Brigades visited 23 communities, conducted 1,659 teeth extractions, 412 fillings, 1,051 teeth cleanings, 1,736 fluoride treatments and provided 57 diagnostic exams.

Architecture Brigades:
Architecture Brigades had 12 students from DePaul University continue construction on Project Z, a secondary school being constructed in Zurzular that will benefit an approximate 180 school aged children.

Microfinance Brigades:
Microfinance Brigades had 6 brigades visit families in Zuzrzular, Tomatin, and Joyas to promote the importance of savings and loans, and to invest financial support into the local Cajas (rural banks) and local businesses. In total, 10 students from Carnegie Mellon, 22 students from College of Charleston, 6 students from Indiana University, 23 students from DePaul University, 8 students from UC Santa Cruz, and 13 students from Johns Hopkins University participated in the March Brigade Season.

Written By: Global Brigades