Feedback Requested: The NEW Global Brigades Website is LIVE!

Nov 12, 2012 6:59:34 AM | GB News

Feedback Requested: The NEW Global Brigades Website is LIVE!

We would love to hear your opinion on the NEW Global Brigades Website that was launched today! After nearly a year of design and functionality feedback from chapter leaders, we are very excited to present to you our new and improved online home. That said, we know you are full of great ideas on how […]

We would love to hear your opinion on the NEW Global Brigades Website that was launched today! After nearly a year of design and functionality feedback from chapter leaders, we are very excited to present to you our new and improved online home. That said, we know you are full of great ideas on how it might improve, so even if it’s just a a thumbs up/down or a facebook comment we would appreciate your input.

So What’s New?:

  • Design and Usability: The new website has received a total redesign to make it easier to learn about the brigades and the underlying programmatic operations that happen between brigades. Notice the left navigation tabs that take viewers deeper into each section.
  • Member Portal: For the first time, Global Brigades will be offering member benefits to not only current and past volunteers, but anyone interested in joining the largest student movement for global health and economic development.
  • The Holistic Model: The plan has been laid out, now it’s up to chapters to execute. Click here to read about how Global Brigades’ programs work together and what our plan is to sustainably transition in and out of communities.

What’s coming:

  • Complete Integration with In 2013, Global Brigades will be integrating all of the chapter coordination and functionality of into our website to create a single home for all of the operations of our chapters world-wide.
  • Community Progress Pages: We are currently consolidating all of our community profiles and research to create interactive maps for donors and volunteers to see the progress of communities and view the history/current activities of brigades and programs in the regions.
  • University Chapter Map: A fully interactive map of university chapters across the world with the ability for new leaders to start chapters on the fly and/or prospective volunteers to immediately engage with their local universities.

Again, thank you for your feedback and please please email any comments and suggestions to Also, thank you to the marketing and communication teams and all of the student leaders who were instrumental in this launch!

Written By: Global Brigades