GB Invites Volunteers to Africa!

Apr 14, 2011 4:38:50 PM | Brigader Buzz

GB Invites Volunteers to Africa!

Global Brigades Invites Volunteers to Africa! Ghana Now Open to All U.S. Groups After an incredibly successful first Brigades season this March in Ghana, Global Brigades is now extremely excited to officially open our Medical, Water and Microfinance programs in Ghana to all U.S. groups! As many of you know, Global Brigades began work in […]

Global Brigades Invites Volunteers to Africa!

Ghana Now Open to All U.S. Groups

After an incredibly successful first Brigades season this March in Ghana, Global Brigades is now extremely excited to officially open our Medical, Water and Microfinance programs in Ghana to all U.S. groups! As many of you know, Global Brigades began work in Ghana last September when we selected the country based on its safety, stability, need and extraordinary openness towards GB programs and staff. Now, after successfully piloting our programs in March with Global Brigades Ireland, the London Business School and the London School of Economics, we can confidently say that we expect GB Ghana to grow quickly and become one of our strongest Global Brigades chapters internationally. And now you are invited to come and take part!

As of April 19, Global Brigades Ghana will be open to receive applications from U.S. schools to Brigade in Ghana in the 2011-2012 school year. This means that while Ghana remains open to only European groups through this summer and fall, beginning as soon as this December Global Brigades Ghana will be receiving U.S. clubs in-country to take part in our programs in Africa! We are very excited to be able to offer this opportunity so early on, and we hope that you will take advantage of this by beginning to plan your trips to Ghana now in order to ensure your group is prepared upon arrival. Additionally, based on space limitations and to guarantee the sustainability of the projects we implement in Ghana, we can accept only 25 Brigades from the United States from December 2011-September 2012.

We will receive applications on a first-come first-serve basis beginning April 19 and will hold places for groups committed to the coming to Africa. If you and your group are interested in coming on a trip to Ghana between December 2011 and September 2012, or if you have any questions, please email Orion Haas, Co-Founder of GB Ghana, at

Also, please read updates and stories from our most recent Brigades for Medical, Water and Microfinance programs. There you can also find more information about the programs or go to See you in Ghana soon!

-From The GB Ghana Team

Written By: Global Brigades