Global Brigades Announces TeleBrigades: International Community Service for All

Jun 22, 2020 2:34:58 PM | From the Field

Global Brigades Announces TeleBrigades: International Community Service for All

Global Brigades Announces TeleBrigades: International Community Service for All

By Marketing Associate, Sydney Colbert

Filling The Gap In International Volunteering

In the wake of an ever-evolving world, many educators have been examining, strategizing, and updating traditional methods of teaching and curriculum creation. With the pressure to keep students excited and involved from a distance, teachers across all fields are discovering innovative ways to bring real life to the computer screen. But what about the areas of volunteering, community service, and international development? How do we teach students to be Global Citizens and make a global impact in a virtual environment?

This was one of the principal questions asked at Global Brigades when we challenged ourselves to develop innovative programming in a post-COVID world. While the question was tough to answer, the good news is, we identified a way to keep our impact momentum going! We are excited to introduce you to Global Medical TeleBrigades and Business TeleBrigades the highest impact international sustainable development volunteer program, which also happens to be completely virtual. This program includes everything our 80,000+ volunteers loved about our in-country programs but with less environmental impact, a significantly reduced donation goal, and approximately 20 hours of international community service.

Students from Governors State University working during their Public Health Brigade in Ghana.

A Virtual Service-Learning Program Unlike Any Other

So what makes TeleBrigades so unique? Firstly, TeleBrigades is a program of Global Brigades, an internationally recognized 501(c)(3) global health and economic development organization recognized by the United Nations. Our approach to helping reduce health and economic disparities is community-led and holistic, leading toward an end goal of community ownership and maintenance with impact monitoring from GB. 

That’s why when our volunteers participate in TeleBrigades, they learn from and collaborate with full-time, local in-country teams and community members to carry out social impact projects like medical clinics, water systems, and community banks. In this way, volunteers achieve the same learning outcomes as volunteering abroad with GB teams in Ghana, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Greece, and Panama. Using virtual meeting software and secure telemedical platforms, TeleBrigades volunteers have the opportunity to participate in select live consultations, interviews with physicians and economic development professionals, and real case studies in the fields of business, engineering, medicine, and public health.

 A Texas A&M volunteer representing Business Brigades and capturing the beautiful artisan crafts of the local community members on a Leadership Institute in Panama.

Getting Involved With TeleBrigades

Right now is the perfect time to utilize time at home and enhance your curriculum with this unique international community service-learning opportunity! Plus, we’ve made getting Involved with TeleBrigades easier than ever! To view sample itineraries or request more detailed information visit the program website for your passion: Medical TeleBrigades or Business TeleBrigades. Want to learn more about our organization? Click here to learn more about our mission and values.

Download the Question Guide: Is Medical School Right For You?

Written By: Global Brigades