Without accessible dental care in Panama, there is a high need for dental brigades in the communities that we work in. However, our services are limited by our lack of resources!
Currently, Global Dental Brigades in Panama is only able to provide extractions for the patients that come to see our dentists. Without a portable dental unit, extracting teeth is the only service that we are able to provide. Even for those patients whose teeth could easily be saved with a filling, we currently have no option but to perform an extraction.
Help us change this! Help bring restorative dental care to communities in Panama! Dental Brigades in Panama will be purchasing a portable dental unit and as much of the necessary supplies and tools possible with the funds that you provide!
Go to <http://www.empowered.org/
Help us meet our goal of $2,500 by August so that we can purchase a portable dental unit in time for our last August brigades!
Please direct all questions regarding this fundraising campaign and other Dental Brigades projects in Panama to Brianna Clarke at Brianna.clarke@globalbrigades.