Leadership Opportunity in Panama with exCHANGE

May 15, 2012 2:26:14 PM | From the Field

Leadership Opportunity in Panama with exCHANGE

We are excited to announce an amazing opportunity open to all of our volunteers to participate in a Global Leadership summer program in Panama through Leadership exChange, an organization dedicated to training future leaders and global citizens. Check out the program description below and put the leadership skills and knowledge you’ve developed with Global Brigades […]

We are excited to announce an amazing opportunity open to all of our volunteers to participate in a Global Leadership summer program in Panama through Leadership exChange, an organization dedicated to training future leaders and global citizens. Check out the program description below and put the leadership skills and knowledge you’ve developed with Global Brigades to use in this intensive summer course and community project.

From Leadership exChange:

Are you interested in spending the summer abroad, attending classes on leadership and entrepreneurship, meeting other students from around the world and getting university credit? Check out one of the seven programs that Leadership exCHANGE has to offer in Prague, Rome and Panama.

Space is still available and we have scholarships that cover up to half the cost, especially for the Panama program. Spend this summer in Panama! Immerse yourself in this comprehensive four-week program that includes: university courses, cultural activities and community service. To date we have had students from 75 different countries participate.

All students take Leadership and Organizational Change. The course explores the dynamic environment modern-day leaders must navigate and the role of transformational leadership. The course will train you to apply the theories and tactics of transformational leadership to successfully achieve a change project in whatever organization, business, or community project you are involved in.

For more information check out the website www.globalleaders.info or email Liz Tracy at ltracy@globalleaders.info

Written By: Global Brigades