Student Leadership Conference

Nov 10, 2010 8:13:03 AM | Brigader Buzz

Student Leadership Conference

NEW: CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD THE 2010 STUDENT LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE YEARBOOK: 2010-Student-Leadership-Conference-Yearbook Global Brigades held the 2nd annual Student Leadership Conference in San Francisco from October 22-24, 2010. The conference attracted over 100 student leaders from around the states representing their respective programs (link) to share, discuss, and learn best practices from fellow students as […]



Global Brigades held the 2nd annual Student Leadership Conference in San Francisco from October 22-24, 2010. The conference attracted over 100 student leaders from around the states representing their respective programs (link) to share, discuss, and learn best practices from fellow students as well as international development professionals. Topics of interest, which included fundraising, recruitment, education, empowerment, and cultural sensitivity, were all addressed to extensive measures to ensure that future brigades will be conducted in a sustainable and rewarding manner for both the volunteers and local communities.

Check out this Facebook photo album for pictures from the conference taken by Jonathan H. Lee, and be sure to tag yourself and your friends:

Also, here are some inspiring quotes from students about their experience with Global Brigades and their time at the Student Leadership Conference:

  • As a newcomer to the Global Brigades family, I wasn’t sure what to expect at the conference. But everyone was very welcoming and willing to help me out in starting a new chapter on campus. Being at the conference made me want to work harder to put together the best brigade possible. I left feeling not only excited for this brigade, but excited to start a chapter at the med school or grad school that I attend next year when I graduate college.
  • It was an unbelievable experience to meet those students who inspire others, such as myself, to do better and to be better. I learned a lot from them all and am a couple steps closer to succeeding.
  • Spending 3 days with these amazing people really opened up my eyes about how there are so many motivated students that want to make the same kind of change in the world as me. In this short time, I have become friends with students from other parts of country that I would have never been able to meet without going to this conference. What a great networking, empowering and learning experience!
  • It was so wonderful getting to meet other leaders and staff who are just as passionate about the work of Global Brigades as me. Through this conference, I definitely learned much more about the mission of GB and the lasting impact the organization is creating.
  • Often the problems of the world bring about a sense of overwhelming ineptitude in oneself.. the world can be a terrible place, people can do terrible things–but being able to see what amazing people are involved in GB, their insight, compassion, and the global movement we are creating, inspires me and makes the world alright again.
  • The conference was a great way to get energized and motivated to be a better leader. I learned so much from the other leaders about what they have done and how they have accomplished so much. It was also great to meet all the GB staff and see how enthusiastic they were about moving forward!
  • This GB conference instilled a huge desire to drop everything and do GB all day everyday. I am so glad I went. I met so many awesome people, and I want to hang out with them everyday, even though I can’t.
  • The conference was an exciting, enjoyable experience enabling me to expand and empower my club. It brought together the Global Brigades community and allowed us to exchange ideas.
  • The conference was a GREAT experience and it benefited everyone. It was the perfect opportunity to exchange ideas to take back and really make a difference at my campus! I can’t wait for the next conference!
  • My experience at the conference allowed me to realize that I am not the only one who struggles day to day with fundraising, recruitment, meetings, etc. However, my experience has made me realize exactly how passionate I am about this organization and all that it does, through all of the struggles, we are doing this for people in Panama, Honduras, and now Ghana.
  • The conference helped to remind me of all the great students propelling health and development work forwards, and that our actions really do make a difference. I have complete faith that the people I met with foster and perpetuate sustainable development in Central America and change the world!
  • The conference re-confirmed why I have been so passionately involved in Global Brigades. There is no other organization of its kind. Meeting and hearing from all the club presidents and leaders has further inspired me to continue being a part of the Global Brigades family!
  • Global Brigades 2nd Annual Conference was absolutely INSPIRING and I’m completely determined to spread the word about “students empowering communities”! The entire GB team is phenomenal and San Francisco was amazing.
  • It’s so awesome meeting people from all over the United States who are working to better this world just as much as you are. It proves that change occurs through all us, one step at a time, one brigade at a time.
  • The conference helped me to remind myself why joined Global Brigades in the first place– listening to in country staff talk about what they do while were gone, listening to other leaders and their perspectives on how to run the group, and just to hear everyone trying to come up with ideas and possibilities to make the best brigade group ever. I would definitely recommend this conference for any GB leader, new or old.
  • Being in a room full of amazing leaders is what felt the most empowering for me. We are all in this together–trying to make the lives of people a little better, a few steps at a time. We can make a difference and what better way to do it than by doing it as a huge team! GB for life!
  • It brought together the faces of organizations from all across the country. Their passions for global change inspired me to be a better leader both home and abroad. I am eager to focus my newly revamped passion towards my brigades!
  • I don’t think we should ever underestimate the empowerment shared in one room with all the Global Brigades student leaders and staff. Getting to know other brigaders who are in the same situation as I am was a great way to encourage one another and try and find solutions to better promote Global Brigades at our campuses.
  • Never been in a room with so much energy and enthusiasm. It inspires me everyday and makes me unbelievably proud to be a part of Global Brigades.
  • Being apart of an organization life this is a never ending process–the moment you think you have something that works, another idea or concept comes along thats bigger and better and more inspiring. Its a constant battle just to stay on top of the game but thankfully the work we do makes it worth it.
  • The conference taught me the reality of the impact our work has on the communities. It is humbling to realize that students really can change the world. And we are.

Written By: Global Brigades