Meet Mallary, an Environmental Brigader from Marquette University

May 22, 2012 2:56:37 PM | From the Field

Meet Mallary, an Environmental Brigader from Marquette University

Each week we bring you the story and perspective of an outstanding volunteer. This week, meet Mallary Flatley, an Environmental Bigades volunteer from Marquette University who recently participated in a Brigade to Panama. —— This global brigade experience has changed me more than my past brigade experience in Honduras. Because it was a new brigade […]

Each week we bring you the story and perspective of an outstanding volunteer. This week, meet Mallary Flatley, an Environmental Bigades volunteer from Marquette University who recently participated in a Brigade to Panama.
This global brigade experience has changed me more than my past brigade experience in Honduras. Because it was a new brigade for Marquette, we entered the trip with no expectations or prejudgements. Prior to the trip, I had little knowledge about the environment and how important sustainability was. However, based on the things I learned from the trip I have gained an understanding about global impact and sustainability and it is something I want to pursue with my future.

First, I have learned the ways I can reduce my detrimental impact on the environment and I have implemented those ways in my daily life. For example, I have practiced taking shorter showers, I became a vegan, and I have talked to my family and friends about reducing their waste. Although I took drastic changes, I feel that they keep my Panama experience with me and help me to share my experience with others. With that, I would really like to travel to Panama and work with Global Brigades in my future.

Finally, I have begun to explore options around Marquette where I can volunteer with organizations that focus on sustainability. I think this trip was crucial in helping me to realize how important the environment is and how much of an impact we can make. My new outlook based off this trip is that if I can implement simple measures into my daily life that reduce my waste and improve the environment in small ways, then I should do whatever I can.

Written By: Global Brigades