Peterborough Medical Brigade – Sad Farewell to Dr. Hardy Friesen

Nov 24, 2009 3:03:59 AM | Canada

Peterborough Medical Brigade – Sad Farewell to Dr. Hardy Friesen

Global Brigades partner, Friends of Honduran Children (FoCH) is a thriving non-profit organization based in Peterborough, Ontario in Canada that annually organizes three Medical Brigades.  In the last eight years, Dr. Hardy Friesen has been instrumental with the development of FoHC Medical Brigades. Under his direction, FoHC Medical Brigades provided $1 million worth of medicine […]

Global Brigades partner, Friends of Honduran Children (FoCH) is a thriving non-profit organization based in Peterborough, Ontario in Canada that annually organizes three Medical Brigades.  In the last eight years, Dr. Hardy Friesen has been instrumental with the development of FoHC Medical Brigades. Under his direction, FoHC Medical Brigades provided $1 million worth of medicine and medical care to more than 100,000 Hondurans. More information about his work can be found in an article released by the Peterborough Examiner at

Sadly, Dr. Hardy Friesen is retiring from Honduran Medical Brigades. At his Farewell Party Sister Maria Rose provided a heartfelt speech and stated that “We will still be doing Medical Brigades to Honduras, but Hardy will be missed. Thank you Hardy for what you have given us, and we wish you the best of luck in the future.” Dr. Hardy Friesen’s efforts are inspirational and his contributions should be recognized and honored. He has made a difference in the lives of thousands of children in Hondurans and will be remembered by many, especially the Global Brigades team.

Dr. Hardy Friesen, picture taken from the article in the Peterborough Examiner.

If you are a skilled medical professional and would like to make a difference in a developing country by providing aid and sustainable programs, like Dr. Hardy Friesen, please visit our Global Medical Brigades website: or the FoHC website at

Written By: Melissa