What’s New with Business Brigades

Jul 19, 2011 3:34:35 PM | From the Field

What’s New with Business Brigades

The Business Brigades team in Panama has been busy preparing for the upcoming Brigade season. We’re thrilled to report that recently, the Torti Abajo community microcredit co-op has collected its first round of full membership dues!  Twenty community members were needed to get the co-op off the ground. From each of the 20 members $10 […]

The Business Brigades team in Panama has been busy preparing for the upcoming Brigade season. We’re thrilled to report that recently, the Torti Abajo community microcredit co-op has collected its first round of full membership dues!  Twenty community members were needed to get the co-op off the ground. From each of the 20 members $10 was collected in membership dues, and $5 was collected to start a savings account.  Members benefit from participating in the co-op because now they have a savings account and receive lower interest rates on loans than non-members.

The physical structure of the Torti Abajo Co-op, constructed on donated land near the community’s soccer field, was completed on Saturday, July 16th!

Program Lead Greg Clark and Program Advisor Maggie Filipow are heading out to Torti Abajo this week to select households for our first August Brigade.  Purdue University is coming August 6-13th, and the group is made up of native Panamanians! Ana Lobo, a native to Panama City & the president, was an interpreter for a past Law Brigade and was inspired to start a Business Brigades Chapter at her university. This will be the first Business Brigade for Purdue University!

Community Members in Torti Abajo

Written By: Global Brigades