Add Your Photos to Our Online Photo Album

May 17, 2011 9:49:52 AM | Brigader Buzz

Add Your Photos to Our Online Photo Album

Share photos from your Brigades! Follow these easy instructions to upload your Brigade photos to our SmugMug account today. Create a high-quality, free, online photo album that you can email and share with friends and family. Note: Global Brigades may use photos uploaded to our SmugMug account for outreach and promotional activities without being able […]

Share photos from your Brigades! Follow these easy instructions to upload your Brigade photos to our SmugMug account today. Create a high-quality, free, online photo album that you can email and share with friends and family.

Note: Global Brigades may use photos uploaded to our SmugMug account for outreach and promotional activities without being able to give credit to the photographer. By uploading your photos you agree to these terms.

Instructions for uploading your photos to SmugMug:
1. Hop over to SmugMug’s website:
2. Log in with the following information:
3. Locate the “Upload” button on the top left and click “New Gallery”
4. For “Gallery name”, please enter information in the following format:  [school], [brigade discipline], [community], [date] (example:  UC San Diego, Public Health, Pajarillos, 3/2009)
5. For Category, choose “Programs”, and as for Subcategories… you guessed! The discipline of your brigade.
6. (OPTIONAL) Choose a different Theme
7. Leave Thumbnails to ‘Square’ and Privacy to ‘Public’
8. Now, upload your pictures! You should see a page that says “Drag your photos and videos… Drop ‘em here” Fire away! Depending on your internet connection speed and the size of your photos, this may take a while to a pretty long time. No worries, get a cup of tea or snack on a sandwich and come back later.
9. The last thing to do now is to add keywords to your newly created gallery. This will tremendously help the archiving and retrieval of photos in the future. To do so, when in album view, click on “Tools”, then “Gallery Settings”. In the section “Extras”, you will find the field named “Gallery keywords” – this is where you will enter the following keywords, all separated by commas:
  • Month & Year – if your brigade was in March 2010, separate month and year. ex: March, 2010
  • University Name – shorthand OK, but try to stay away from full acronyms unless it’s apparent because of potential confusion – University of Washington and University of Wisconsin are both abbreviated as UW. When in doubt, use the name most commonly used. ex: UC Berkeley, Univ of Washington, Chapman, Colombia, UT Austin, etc.
  • Brigade Program – no acronyms please, just program name – ex: Medical, Business, Water, etc.
  • Communityex: Flor Azul, Pajarillos, Kuna Yala, etc.
  • Action Item – “deliverables” – ex: digging, workshop, solar panel, pipe lines, pilas, latrines, medications, extraction, loan, blueprint, etc.
In the event you run into any issues with the SmugMug website or this photo-archiving initiative, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Written By: Global Brigades