Social Media: Top 10 Posts We Want To See More of

Mar 8, 2024 12:37:05 PM | Medical Brigades

Social Media: Top 10 Posts We Want To See More of

Social Media can be a great tool to show the sustainable impact volunteers make during their Brigade. Check out some of our favorite posts and gain some inspiration!

We love to hear and see your brigade experience! While social media is a great tool to show others the impact you can have as a volunteer in your brigade, the type of content you share is important

GB’s three Cs

GB’s Three C’s used to make sure your content is adhering to our mission, vision, and values.

Always remember GB's three Cs  (Consent, Content, and Caption) when making your posts. Check out some of the social media content we like to share with volunteers, community members, and all those who want to see the sustainable impact that can be achieved through Global Brigades. Read through the three Cs and then post!

1. Emphasize interaction with community members

Instagram Reels are a great way to compile your favorite brigade moments,   one of our favorites includes good music, emphasizes how much interaction is possible with community members, and shows the medical side of a brigade. In addition, this post shows how much teamwork goes into each brigade. (@globalbrigades)

2.  Show what your chapter is up to! 

We love to see what your chapter is doing for recruitment and fundraising! This post shows how volunteers can come together to create the impact they've set out to make through their brigade.  What better way to encourage others who are interested, than hearing passionate volunteers with encouraging messages. Posts like this are a great way to attract more volunteers to join your chapter! (@globalbrigades)

3. Showcase general information! 

Sometimes one image is not enough. Posts like this can show a great amount of information for those who want to learn more about Medical Brigades at your university, and what to expect in their clinic days. Not only they are great to showcase general information, but also to answer questions in the future. (@oxyglobalbrigades)

4. Community and Volunteer partnership

One of the values of Global Brigades is collaboration. We love when posts highlight partnership between volunteers and communities. One of the reasons Global Brigades' model works, and communities can be empowered with the resources they need, is because of the collaboration that develops between volunteers and community members during brigades. (@globalbrigades)

5. Highlight one of your favorite stations!

Posts like this show the importance of the educational charlas in a very fun and unique way by compiling different clips of your brigade. The charlas are a great way to educate community members of the importance of health maintenance, prevalent conditions, etc. You can highlight your favorite moments of the brigade, clinic days, workshops, or stations. (@globalbrigades)

6. Highlight your Brigade! 

Highlight the different moments during your brigade to show others what it's all about. Without having attended a brigade, viewers will feel as if they were there. We like when text is added to emphasize information of the impact chapters have done with partner communities. (@globalmedicalbrigadesatuic)

7. Be Specific


Don't be afraid to show what your chapter is about! While we appreciate general information, volunteers love more specific activities your brigade program has. This post highlights the importance of dental hygiene. Whether it is for those who are pursuing dentistry or not, education is important! (@globalbrigades)

8. Have fun

We thrive on the partnership between volunteers and communities, and empowerment can be fun! This Instagram Reel shows that brigades are filled with hard work, and that there is also time to make new friends, learn something new, and have fun. (@globalbrigades)

9. Throwbacks are great

Showcase your last brigade. You can show new volunteers what to expect in your chapter's upcoming brigade by highlighting past brigades, volunteers or experiences. This is a great way to promote the work being done by the volunteers with the different partner communities. (@sju.gmb)


10. Share your Impact!

Sharing your impact in a post is great! It shows the accomplishments of your chapter or brigade. We understand how much work goes into recruitment, fundraising, and participation on a brigade can be. What better way to celebrate than sharing the impact you had with partner communities.  (@globalbrigades)

Submit your GB Story

Encourage your team to write their GB stories! Post a photo of your favorite brigade moment on Instagram and tag #MyGBStory. Be sure to follow the guidelines and caption it with details like the community, names of people in the photo, and an explanation of why the photo is significant to you. 

By sharing your experience, you will not only be able to recruit more volunteers for next year, but will also have the opportunity to be shared on the @globalbrigades page to share your story with a wider audience! 

Lastly, don’t forget to tag us! We love to see what you and your Chapter are up to throughout the year. Did you know you can get featured on our Instagram Stories? Check out how to send us a GB Volunteer Takeover and don’t forget to tag us in your posts

Gaby Gimenez

Written By: Gaby Gimenez