GB Panama Collaborates with US Embassy

Jun 3, 2011 2:19:33 PM | Brigader Buzz

GB Panama Collaborates with US Embassy

Last week, Global Brigades Panama staff visited with members of the US Embassy to get some advice on networking contacts for the Advisory Board that we are creating for GB Panama. The Advisory Board is a platform for professionals interested in development work and social responsibility to get together to brainstorm ways to promote Global […]

Last week, Global Brigades Panama staff visited with members of the US Embassy to get some advice on networking contacts for the Advisory Board that we are creating for GB Panama. The Advisory Board is a platform for professionals interested in development work and social responsibility to get together to brainstorm ways to promote Global Brigades Panama, and to provide recommendations and support to our organization. At the same time, the Board will give professionals the opportunity to network and meet with other individuals with the same interests and ideals.

Adriana Piñeiro visiting with staff from the US Embassy in Panama:

Written By: Global Brigades