GB Panama Participates in Free Cultural-Educational Festival

Apr 30, 2012 9:49:35 AM | Brigader Buzz

GB Panama Participates in Free Cultural-Educational Festival

The weekend of April 20th to the 22nd,  the Global Brigades Panama team participated in Festival Abierto (“Open Festival”), a free Cultural-Educational Festival held outdoors to promote the work of NGO’s, foundations and socially responsible companies and institutions operating in Panama. Global Brigades was invited to be a part of the 25 non-profits that participated […]

The weekend of April 20th to the 22nd,  the Global Brigades Panama team participated in Festival Abierto (“Open Festival”), a free Cultural-Educational Festival held outdoors to promote the work of NGO’s, foundations and socially responsible companies and institutions operating in Panama.

Global Brigades was invited to be a part of the 25 non-profits that participated in the event. Global Brigades set up a booth with information about who we are and what we do, as well as with information about opportunities for Panamanians to get involved. During the event, our main focus was to recruit interpreters and promote corporate volunteerism through Panamanian Brigades for Professionals. The event was a huge success and more than 50 people signed up to be interpreters and four companies were interested in joining Brigades for Professionals!

*Brigades for Professionals is promoted both for US and local companies. If you know of someone who might be interested in doing a Brigade for Professionals please contact:

Written By: Global Brigades