Help Support Disaster Relief Efforts in Japan

Mar 25, 2011 5:11:27 PM | Brigader Buzz

Help Support Disaster Relief Efforts in Japan

As the devastating footage continues to roll in depicting the aftermath of the earthquake in Japan, Global Brigades would like to call upon all of our volunteers to do what they can to support the relief efforts currently underway. All of us at Global Brigades offer our deepest condolences to the people of Japan and […]

As the devastating footage continues to roll in depicting the aftermath of the earthquake in Japan, Global Brigades would like to call upon all of our volunteers to do what they can to support the relief efforts currently underway. All of us at Global Brigades offer our deepest condolences to the people of Japan and we send our sympathy to everyone affected by this disaster.

Brigaders, please consider making a donation today to one of the many local relief organizations in Japan. Here are a few organizations you may want to consider:

Image: Public Domain, Author: Dylan McCord

Written By: Global Brigades