Medical Brigades Communities in Ghana

Apr 14, 2011 4:26:29 PM | Brigader Buzz

Medical Brigades Communities in Ghana

Global Brigades Identifies Initial Medical Brigades Communities Getting ready to kick off Medical Brigades in Ghana this June 21st! As we approach the first Medical Brigades ever in Africa, we are working quickly and excitedly to get everything in order. Our team on the ground is selecting communities, identifying local leaders, collaborating with the government […]

Global Brigades Identifies Initial Medical Brigades Communities

Getting ready to kick off Medical Brigades in Ghana this June 21st!

As we approach the first Medical Brigades ever in Africa, we are working quickly and excitedly to get everything in order. Our team on the ground is selecting communities, identifying local leaders, collaborating with the government and preparing local doctors and nurses to support our groups which will begin arriving on June 21 from the UK and continue through the summer. “This is such an exciting process!” says Nana Asamoah, seen above organizing in Ekumfi Ekotsi, one of our first Medical Brigades communities. “This community has been asking for help with medicine and doctors for years. To be able to finally support them is amazing.” Nana Asamoah, Global Brigades Ghana’s new Country Director, is leading the process of program development along with Maame Afua, GB Ghana’s newest team member. Maame Afua (pictured below), Director of Medical Brigades Ghana, has years of experience working in the field as a health educator in this region, but has never been able to be a part of a program quite like this. “This is special. To be able to bring doctors, nurses, medicine and passionate students to the doorsteps of these community members…that will change everything.”

GB Ghana will adopt the new model of Medical Brigades as implemented now in Honduras and Panama. All Brigades will spend their ten day trips in just one community, allowing the volunteers to provide thorough health care as well as preventative health initiatives, public health education and in-home health visits. This will allow Brigades to address more systemic illnesses such as parasites, respiratory sickness and malaria. To read more about the Medical Brigades new model, please click here.

For more information, or to register your group to come to Ghana, please contact Orion Haas at You can also read more about our program and find details here.

Written By: Global Brigades