Meet Some Amazing Penn State Brigaders

Dec 18, 2012 11:55:03 AM | From the Field

Meet Some Amazing Penn State Brigaders

Listen to this short interview with Penn State students who will be participating on a Water Brigade in Ghana during their holiday break. “I know for me personally, I can’t just sit home and do nothing. I’m one of those people that has to be doing something, so it’s a great way to go travel […]

Listen to this short interview with Penn State students who will be participating on a Water Brigade in Ghana during their holiday break. “I know for me personally, I can’t just sit home and do nothing. I’m one of those people that has to be doing something, so it’s a great way to go travel and still be productive at the same time.”

Also, meet Sienna George, who is helping to bring clean water to Honduran and Panamanian communities. Sienna is featured in “Faces of Penn State”, a campaign by Penn State University to highlight the personal accomplishments and contributions of outstanding students.

Written By: Global Brigades