Student Spotlight: Brett Friedman, University of Denver

Feb 14, 2012 12:12:47 PM | From the Field

Student Spotlight: Brett Friedman, University of Denver

In honor of Global Brigades Month, we are bringing you a new student highlight every week. These student volunteers were nominated by our Advising Team for their dedication to GB and for going above and beyond in planning and participating on Brigades. Who: Brett Friedman School: University of Denver Brigade: Medical Brigades Nominated by: Brianna […]

In honor of Global Brigades Month, we are bringing you a new student highlight every week. These student volunteers were nominated by our Advising Team for their dedication to GB and for going above and beyond in planning and participating on Brigades.

Who: Brett Friedman

School: University of Denver

Brigade: Medical Brigades

Nominated by: Brianna Clarke, Medical Brigades Program Advisor: Brett has been absolutely amazing to work with. Getting flights for the University of Denver group was very challenging and took a very long time but he always maintained a positive attitude and was such a pleasure to work with. He was patient, had a positive attitude, and was enthusiastic, even when he broke his arm in the middle of it all.  He has run successful and creative fundraising campaigns and has led his team to incredible success in their very first year. He is a new president of a new club and has taken on the responsibility of being a leader with an incredible dedication and enthusiasm. Global Medical Brigades is thrilled that Brett will be coming down to Honduras with his group on March 18 for his first Medical Brigade.

We asked Brett: What was your most memorable Brigade experience and why? How has your Brigade experience impacted your life back home and on campus, or future career and education plans?

Brett Friedman founded the University of Denver Medical/Dental Brigades chapter in September 2011 after returning from a month-long backpacking trip through Central America. While traveling, he crashed a dirt bike and was fortunate enough to visit all sorts of health clinics in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama to follow up on his ankle injury. Upon his return to Denver, Brett looked into programs in International Healthcare that he could bring to DU and was referred to Global Brigades. For this inaugural trip to Honduras, Brett will be accompanied by 28 DU students, 1 Internist, 1 Wesley College student, and 9 NCCC RN students! He hopes to work more with Global Brigades after graduating in June, followed by a career in medicine focusing on Infectious Disease.

Written By: Global Brigades