Student Spotlight: Lindsay McPhail, Penn State

Feb 14, 2012 10:15:10 AM | From the Field

Student Spotlight: Lindsay McPhail, Penn State

In honor of Global Brigades Month, we are bringing you a new student highlight every week. These student volunteers were nominated by our Advising Team for their dedication to GB and for going above and beyond in planning and participating on Brigades. Who: Lindsay McPhail School: Penn State Brigade: Environmental Brigades Nominated by: Jonathan Lee, […]

In honor of Global Brigades Month, we are bringing you a new student highlight every week. These student volunteers were nominated by our Advising Team for their dedication to GB and for going above and beyond in planning and participating on Brigades.

Who: Lindsay McPhail

School: Penn State

Brigade: Environmental Brigades

Nominated by: Jonathan Lee, Environmental Brigades Program Advisor: I nominated Lindsay (along with Co-President Charles) because of her ability to lead her fellow students and her enthusiasm and positive attitude which were key factors in our successful brigade and an equally memorable time for the families in the community.

We asked Lindsay: What was your most memorable Brigade experience and why? How has your Brigade experience impacted your life back home and on campus, or future career and education plans?

My most memorable brigade experience was seeing how receptive our family was to our waste management work-shop. Our senora and her daughter, Diana, really seemed to enjoy conversing with us on topics like organic vs. inorganic waste, composting, and the health and environmental risks of trash burning. The environmental brigade to Piriati Embera definitely impacted my life back at home and on campus. The community of Piriati has definitely inspired me to live more simply while simultaneously being respectful to my surrounding natural environment. Prior to the brigade my roommates and I did not recycle because of the inconvenience of doing so with our housing unit (I know, it’s awful). We now have a recycling bin that we keep in our apartment and can empty every week or so. The brigade has also inspired plans for my future. I plan to pursue a graduate degree in environmental policy and one day hope to work in the water policy sector (either international or in the United States). I will never forget my week in Piriati and hope that one day I will be able to return!

Written By: Global Brigades