Student Spotlight: Tiffany Cole, Penn State

Mar 9, 2012 3:30:51 PM |

Student Spotlight: Tiffany Cole, Penn State

In honor of Global Brigades Month, we are bringing you a new student highlight every week. These student volunteers were nominated by our Advising Team for their dedication to GB and for going above and beyond in planning and participating on Brigades. Who: Tiffany Cole School: Penn State University Nominated by Medical Brigades Program Advisor: […]

In honor of Global Brigades Month, we are bringing you a new student highlight every week. These student volunteers were nominated by our Advising Team for their dedication to GB and for going above and beyond in planning and participating on Brigades.

Who: Tiffany Cole

School: Penn State University

Nominated by Medical Brigades Program Advisor: I’d like to recognize Tiffany Cole this month from Penn State University for her incredible organization skills and efficient communication.  Despite managing a group of 70-plus volunteers she has managed to supply with all of the necessary documents, organize travel, and make sure everyones fundraising goals are met well ahead of when they were required.

We asked Tiffany, what was your most memorable Brigade experience?

I am a sophomore premed major at Penn State University. Being an average, middle-class American girl from Pennsylvanian suburbia, I grew up under the notion that healthcare is something that is available to all. Even the uninsured can walk into an ER and receive care. My most memorable brigade experience was seeing a 30+ year old Honduran woman be diagnosed with advanced stage breast cancer, giving her only months left to live. It’s something that simply does not occur in the US due to medical advances and the comforts of living in a “1st world” nation. It has opened my eyes to the dire need of medical care abroad and has fueled my drive to further my education, become an outstanding physician, and serve wherever my skills will be most needed.

Written By: Global Brigades