World Water Day Meets Global Brigades

Mar 19, 2020 10:02:16 AM |

World Water Day Meets Global Brigades

Learn more about the action that we’ve taken with volunteers, local staff and community partners to implement clean water systems, worldwide!

Written by Taylor Clouse, GB Marketing Associate

World Water Day is here and Global Brigades has taken action to support this annual event by implementing clean water systems worldwide. We are excited as we have had support from many community leaders and university Chapters that advocated for clean water. With the help of Water Brigades, our empowered partner communities will have clean water readily available. Check out the updates about how clean water affects communities!

Las Cureñas, Nicaragua

On September 28, 2018, Las Cureñas celebrated the inauguration of its first water system thanks to the coordinated effort of Global Brigades Nicaragua, the Municipality of Jinotega, and the Water Committee of the community.

Before this systemm, community members of Las Cureñas in Nicaragua collected water in public wells and local springs, but after 10 years of waiting, their dream became a reality. The community achieved access to clean and sufficient water for their everyday needs! As expressed by community members, 101 homes fulfilled the dream of having direct water from the tap.

La Campos, Honduras

In March 2019, on Water Testing Day in La Campos, Honduras, the community was able to see running water from the tap for the first time! Before the system was put in place, the water they used was unsanitary and also often retrieved from the local river, which is slow moving, chalky brown, and tests positive for bacteria. Previously, fewer than 50 of the 151 houses could retrieve water from the system that was put in place in the neighboring community of Las Crucitas.

The new water system that was implemented has a capacity of 25,000 gallons, which allows for the use of up to 60 gallons per minute. The community alone requires 25 gallons per minute, so this capacity is more than sufficient for community members!

El Jiote, El Saucito, and Los Terrones, Honduras

Over 1,220 lives have been impacted in the communities of El Jiote, El Saucito, and Los Terrones, because of the completion of three full scale water systems in Honduras in March 2019! None of this would have been possible without our volunteers, the dedication of partner communities, and the partnerships with FUNDESUR, Fundación Alivio del Sufrimiento and the Municipalities of El Paraiso, Nacome and Namasigue.

Community members are beyond excited to have working water systems in their communities. The three projects included over 31,000  meters of trench and piping, two 20,000 and one 15,000 gallon storage tanks built, two wells drilled, and one dam constructed. In addition, three water councils have been established, trained and legalized! Las Quebradas, Nicaragua
In December 2019, Las Quebradas obtained enough water to supply up to five times its population due to their completed water project! This project has been possible, thanks to a permanent partnership between the Global Brigades Nicaragua, the municipality of La Trinidad (Estelí), and Rotary International.

Each entity helped in their own way, Rotary Club was able to drill the well while Global Brigades and the municipality designed the system, organized the community, helped build the system, and provided project follow up. Everyone, including community members, played a role in completing the project and starting today, the community has taken leadership of  caring for the project sustainability!

GB Water Brigades staff continues to work year-round to support the implementation of new water systems in partner communities, whether this means coming back to test water quality or helping to connect pipes. These projects mentioned are just the beginning in managing sustainable freshwater resources for all partner communities.

You could have a hand in this impact by volunteering on a Water Brigade! We are excited for future brigade volunteers to continue to be advocates for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. To learn more about Water Brigades and how you can  join the largest student-led movement for clean water access, visit!

Written By: Taylor Clouse