Student Spotlight: Melissa Jones, UT Austin

Feb 9, 2012 7:45:04 AM | From the Field

Student Spotlight: Melissa Jones, UT Austin

In honor of Global Brigades Month, we are bringing you a new student highlight every week. These student volunteers were nominated by our Advising Team for their dedication to GB and for going above and beyond in planning and participating on Brigades. Who: Melissa Jones School: University of Texas at Austin Brigade: Architecture Brigades Community: […]

In honor of Global Brigades Month, we are bringing you a new student highlight every week. These student volunteers were nominated by our Advising Team for their dedication to GB and for going above and beyond in planning and participating on Brigades.

Who: Melissa Jones

School: University of Texas at Austin

Brigade: Architecture Brigades

Community: Santa Rosa, Honduras

Nominated by: Christie George, Architecture Brigades Program Advisor: Melissa showed great skill as a leader because even though she was not on campus during the brigade preparation process, she still dedicated an incredible amount of time and energy to getting her chapter’s January brigade off the ground.  During the brigade itself, she was a terrific leader and motivator among her team.

We asked Mellisa: What was your most memorable Brigade experience and why? How has your Brigade experience impacted your life back home and on campus, or future career and education plans?

I am the founder and president of the Global Architecture Brigades chapter at the University of Texas at Austin.  I’m graduating with a degree in architecture this May, and I am so thankful that GAB has become such a huge factor in my life.  My most memorable brigade experience was arriving on site at Santa Rosa this January and being confronted with our building truly taking shape.  We had left construction at a stage barely above ground just one year ago!  I can’t imagine what my time at school would have been like without being involved in this organization that has given my education such a purpose.  I believe that these competition and brigade experiences have influenced and forced me to become a better and more sensitive designer, and I know that I will carry these notions with me throughout my career or further education, wherever I end up!

Written By: Global Brigades